Friday, December 28, 2007

Extremely Lazy

I'm too lazy to update, so if you want to look at the rest of my Team Fortress 2 LEGO, click the link below.

Team Fortress 2 LEGO - Complete!

Since the LEGO is on BrickShelf, whenever I update it you'll have to wait 24 hours or more before it can become public. I guess just for safety reasons. Don't want to run into too much gay porn in there.. If it says that the folder is not public, just wait a few days. It means I updated it. I don't know why though, it's finished.

If you go up a folder you'll find my Crysis, Portal and Half-Life LEGO folders. Thanks for looking.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Meet the Medic Today - LIE

The medic is a lie!

I had relatives over and I had to put our strangely huge, plastic tree up. I promise it shall be here tomorrow.

To the egg nog!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Meet the Medic - Tomorrow!

My interwebs was down for most of the day, and it's too late to do the medic now.

Wait another day, for the 2 or 3 people who actually watch this blog. :3

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Meet the Soldier

Last BLU team member, then red after my one-day holiday. I want to get this done before Christmas, which shouldn't be hard. Another week until it's all finished. :3

Soldat d'infos! (Soldier's informations in Français)

  • I never thought I would ever do the soldier, but it turns out I did. He was the first person I ever put a custom decal/paper on in the TF2 crew.

  • His head is cut in half with a kitchen knife. Don't ask.

  • His rocket launcher is a BrickArms RPG-7 with a 1 x 1 cylinder attached, as well as one of those flat, small umbrella-like thingy pieces.

  • His jacket is a Minifig Customization Network (Which I will refer to as MCN from this point on) short tunic template which I edited myself.

  • Helmet's something I ordered off of eBay as some kind of Japanese war set, but you can also order them from BrickArms.
  • Shotgun's a BrickArms M47. His shovel would be a LEGO shovel with a shortened handle, but I don't have one, so I demand you imagine he does.

One day break, then it's the medic.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Meet the Engineer and his Buildables

The information. No accent on this one today.

  • His sentry is complicated, so I'm afraid you'll have to look at it to get the parts. Besides, you're better off making your own version. Mine doesn't really look like it.

  • Dispenser is two 2 x 1 bricks, a 2 x 1 studded tile (I really think that isn't the real wording for it) and a 1 x 1 switch piece. Again, I didn't make mine too complicated and there's probably more you can do to make it better.

  • I went through 4 different glove colors, and I finally went with yellow. Not really interesting, just filling up space.

  • My plan for these TF2 LEGO guys was to make them all out of default pieces, but I eventually gave up on that after I tried making the soldier. The engineer is one of the few remaining 'figs without a single custom part. Shotgun doesn't count. :P

  • This is probably the most final version of the engineer unless I decide to paint his construction cap yellow. There's a slight chance of me changing his head, but I might just add some stubble. Not sure how, without making it look crappy. Give me your ideas in the comment box or on my e-mail mentioned in the last post.

  • His weapons were his BrickArms M47 shotgun, BrickArms M23 and a LEGO wrench which is massive.

Man that was a long list of information. Pictures!

I once did a version of this picture where he was running after a red dispenser, but I fixed it the next day.

Just a little note, I've figured out my schedule for the blog.

I'll do one team member a day, giving each one some information on how I made them and some little notes. You know, if you want to comment, then comment. Getting kind of lonely here. :C

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Meet the Spy


  • His revolver is a BrickArms SW500 revolver. Excellent quality site, and I mean quality. Almost the real LEGO quality.
  • Knife is a screwdriver, but I suggest a LEGO knife.
  • Sapper is a LEGO walkie-talkie, a 1 x 2 studded tile piece and a 2 x 4 tile piece, not studded.
  • His disguise kit is a LEGO book, but I forgot to take a picture.
  • He doesn't have a face, so the newest version has an engineer mask as his face.

    Sneak preview of a sniper.

        Monday, December 10, 2007

        Meet the Scout


        • This is not the final version, but it's close to it. The final final version will have some paint jobs done to give him some sort of short sleeves, and will have grey pants.
        • Bat's made out of a lightsaber piece mixed with a 1 x 1 cylinder type piece.
        • Shotgun's a Stikfas pirate gun, which seems to work well.
        • His pistol is a BrickArms M23 pistol, but I unfortunately forgot to take a picture of it.

        My plan for this is to have one of each team member every few days. After that's all done, I'll make one huge post with all of them in it, including a desktop wallpaper with them as a group like that one famous picture of them together. I'm going to go by team colors, so first BLU then RED. These are currently not for sale, but if you want I could provide a list of what objects you would need to make them yourself. Thanks for reading.
